Friday, December 10, 2010
I am honored to be connected to such talent!
Please check out the link where you can listen to samples of the gorgeous music, toning and ancient channeled language.
Monday, September 6, 2010
When I meditated this morning I was given the information that I needed to "let the book go--release it to the Universe." It's my child, my creation, and I need to let it be out in the world and make its own way, warts and all. The thought came into my head that the imperfections create space where people can let down their fears and allow the book in. I truly believe I was directed to write this metaphysical novel about Atlantis and publish it, so trust is a very important part of the process here.
The public release of The Atlantean Legacy was right on time. I know this because of an article printed in the NYTimes about reincarnation and Brian Weiss, the very same day my book went online. That was my sign that it was indeed perfectly timed. Here is a link to that article
So this morning I did a meditation to release it from my heart. I let it go...It is separate from me now and has it's own life. I can still market it, but beyond that, the Universe is in control. (Fascinatingly, I felt a little empty nest syndrome hit me as I released it.)
I feel better now, letting it go. Surrendering to what the Universe presents us is the key, in other words, learn to recognize the flow and go with it.
My blessings to you all and may the rain gods bless and flow through my town soon!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The direct link is
An article about reincarnation was printed today in the New York Sunday Times. In it they interviewed Dr.Brian Weiss who is the person who regressed me and with whom I trained.
Interesting timing, don't you think?
Just wanted to share my excitement with you all!
Would love feedback!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
While I sat there on the rocks, Sue informed me that a dragonfly had landed on my shoulder. I twisted my head around and looked at it for a moment, then I turned back, and sat very still, eyes straight ahead. After a minute or two of sitting on my back, it flew over and checked out Sue. It landed on her shoulder, then flew back over and crawled up on the rock next to me. I watched as it explored the stone surface with its tiny feet, then climbed up on the map of the park laying close by. It was obviously not afraid of me, so I slowly reached my hand out towards it. Ever so carefully it crawled onto my finger then settled onto the back of my hand.
It sat there on my fist for a long time.
We stared into each other's eyes, checking each other out, and I found myself tearing up at the intensity of the energy we exchanged. At one point I told it how beautiful it was and it turned its little head back and forth and around on its neck, like it understood what I had just said!
I can't explain the sensation that filled me up as I sat there, other than it felt like pure love.
After awhile, it must have sensed that Sue and I needed to go because it flew off my hand and into my hair, freeing me up to move. It stayed there as I waded one last time through the rushing stream. And it stayed there as we began our walk back to the parking lot. Eventually it flew ahead of us, just for a short while, like it was directing us back to the car. Finally it landed on a plant off to the side of the path. Realizing that this was as far as it would go with us, and knowing that I would never see my little friend again, I sadly said my goodbyes.
It was all so sweet and magical! I can hardly believe it happened at all! Such a miraculous gift!
Sue took pictures so we would have a record of it, which you can see below.
Many blessings and may your summer be full of magical moments!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
And this year everything hit at once, very condensed, like the finale at a fireworks display on the Fourth of July!
Bam! Pink, purple, white, red, yellow explosions of color everywhere!
Ii's fabulous eye candy, almost too sweet, too intense at times, like the feeling one has of having been in a dark room for a long time then walking immediately into a brightly lit room. Takes some adjustment, but it feels good! And after this winter I am so happy, no, thrilled to adjust to Spring’s incredible parade of colors!!!
Here’s an interesting tidbit I want to share...I took a walk a week and a half ago, on a Sunday and lost a butterfly earring. I liked the earrings. They weren’t expensive, having purchased them at a store at a mall in Indianapolis at what my twenty-something daughter has christened “The Cheap Shiny Store.” But they were lightweight and cute and they were butterflies!
Once I discovered my unadorned ear my husband and I diligently watched for the missing earring as we made our way back to our house. We didn’t see it. Maybe I had lost it in the house or in the back yard so I scoured the place. No luck. Oh well, I thought, I’ll just let it go....
The next Sunday, we took a walk along the same route and I found it in a place I swear I looked before. The brass butterfly earring was nestled near a crack on the sidewalk not far from the neighborhood school. And no worse for the wear amazingly enough since all the kids walking home could have potentially smashed it with their little feet.
So I wondered. What's the lesson in this? This incident is too odd not to have a something I'm supposed to learn connected to it.
Could it be something trite, but true like if you love something let it go and it will come back to you? Or perhaps it is representative of me finding my wings? That sounds plausible. Specifically butterfly wings, coming out of my cocoon, transforming, and taking flight! I do feel like I am in the process of that kind of a metamorphosis...and this glorious spring is certainly helping in making me feel like much boundless energy out there!
Now that I think about it, a similar thing happened to me when I lived in New York City. I lost an earring, but this time it consisted of pretty autumn leaves dangling from a small chain. I wasn't even looking for it when, one day, as I was near my daughter’s school, I just happened to see something shiny that caught my eye, stuck in the crack of the sidewalk. And there it was, my earring, which I had just totally assumed was gone forever, had even forgotten about, a little scratched but wearable. The more I thought about it...NYC with all of their foot traffic...I was convinced it was miraculous! But I never figured out the reason for it. Maybe there doesn't have to be a reason, but we have pattern developing here that needs to be looked into.
An interesting connection in regards to these earrings is that we did leave the city in July 2001, thankfully missing 9/11. Maybe it was somehow prophetic in a very symbolic way. Fall leaves—falling leaves, autumn, 9/11, falling buildings...picking up the pieces, a little scratched and beat up, but wearable and putting them back together again.
AS far as the butterfly earrings go, maybe this time, for me, they are a positive sign of growth, once again found near a school. What is it about those schools—maybe referring to lessons learned or to be learned?
We shall see in the next season, whatever it brings. In retrospect, I may get a clearer vision of its meaning.
And I do hope you in-joy this fabulous springtime!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I have been more tuned into my dog now as she is getting up in years, fifteen next October, and is going blind and is losing her hearing. But she has always been to me my angel puppy.I fell in love with her angelic presence when she was ten months old. I sat in a waiting room in the kennel where she lived and she approached me and laid her head on my lap. She looked up into my eyes and that was it! Although at the time we thought we had come just to look at the possibility of getting a Brittany, we left there with our precious Leah, the newest member of our household.
Oh how I love her! Her energy is so soft and gentle and loving and very sweet. She converts anti-dog people into dog lovers, but she’s still a dog and does dog things, actions that we humans may find distasteful. However it doesn’t matter because this actually makes her more perfect in her dogness. Her love fills my heart with joy.
Recently I’ve watched as friends have had to say goodbye to their beloved animals and know this may be coming soon for me. But in the meantime, since I work from home I have the great privilege of spending a lot of time with my precious Leah. And together we are enjoying this glorious spring. She tunes into the smells on an intense dog level and shares her discoveries with me; and I am her eyes and keep her from crashing into bushes and other possible obstacles as we walk. So for now all is well and life is a great adventure with sweet Leah by my side!
I wish you all the joys of this wonderful rebirth of energy that is the spring!
Blessings in this time of great creativity!
Friday, March 5, 2010
It was a fascinating trip, full of surprises and little gifts from the Universe, but it was not exactly what I had expected. However, I knew I had been pulled there for a reason in the midst of my winter blahs, so I went along for the ride to find out why.
I had not ever attended any of Marianne Williamson’s programs before and didn’t know exactly what to expect. I have to say that I am very impressed by and in awe of her speaking abilities. She never seems to be searching for a phrase or grasping to find a word in her mental rolodex like most of the women in her/my age group. The information coming through her seems to be constant. In addition to her speaking abilities, I also got a sense that she is basically very kind and very sincere.
She’s small in stature, a wisp of a thing, until she gets on the stage, where she takes on and exudes a powerful charisma. And she definitely enjoys displaying her femininity as made obvious by her 4 inch high spiked heels with pointed toes. I have to say that my Second Wave feminist self stood up and was somewhat taken aback, as she swept down the isle to the stage on that first night. But I let out a sigh of relief after I heard her talk and felt assured that she is definitely a feminist as well as a humanitarian. Guess she's part of what’s called the Third Wave of feminism.
“OK,” I told myself, “She can wear her spiked, pointy toe heels if she wants to if I can stick to my flat bottom shoes.” I made peace with the heels thing, and settled in for the rest of the workshop.
Marianne explained to the group that the purpose of this group was to educate women to their history. “If you don’t know where you came from, you can’t know where you are going,” she said.
There was another purpose to the calling together of these people as well, which was to help establish a field, a tipping point, consisting of women who realize and accept their power, their ability to make things happen, and understand that any one of us can make a difference in the world and can effect change. It isn’t necessary to get a majority of people to embrace the change. The tipping point to make a cultural shift is 11%. So if 11% of women understand and embrace their power, the shift will take place!
On Friday with a group of five hundred similarly minded women, I watched the movie The Burning Times, a documentary made in 1990 about the witch hunts. Marianne was quick to note that the film incorrectly listed the number of witch burnings as nine million, which was way too high. It has been estimated that the number of deaths is actually between 100,000 and 900,000 women—healers, herbalists, and midwives. This was the medieval church taking away any last vestiges of power women had left over from the times of the matriarchy and Goddess cults. And it worked. The church usurped the Goddess and made her into the Virgin Mary—cut off from her sexuality—“chaste” and “pure” and untouched by a man. Don’t be sexual if you want to be a good woman the daughters were taught. What a sick role model for women! For their survival and their protection it became necessary for mothers to teach their daughters to be silent and to hide their intuition and their skills as healers. This then has become a cellular memory for us, this fear of condemnation, hideous torture, and death. And hiding our power has become second nature.
But I digress...
After the movie, we broke up in pods of five to discuss our reactions. I had seen the movie before and I was tired and fighting off a cold, not helped at all by long air travel. A woman seated next to me in that group said something to the effect that she would like to be Marianne Williamson, or at least do what she does. I began to be aware of my fatigue, thinking, I don’t want to do what she does. I just want to go to bed. It hit me then in an ah-ha kind of way that although I respect Marianne and her work, I do NOT want to be her. I want to be who I am—exactly who I am. Then I felt a desire to be in my heart and appreciate who I am arise in my consciousness. I got the sense of the need to be strongly anchored in my fourth (heart) chakra. I began to get a deeper sense of an issue of self love that I have been working on for years. This message came through in different ways all through the weekend. It was then that I began to understand perhaps why I was actually at the workshop and in the City of Angels.
In the middle of that first night as I lay in bed in my hotel room, drifting between being awake and asleep, I had a profound experience. I saw myself go towards two doors. The first one was labeled: “Why am I here?” The second one, “What is my purpose in this life?”
The answer to door Number One came quickly. “To love and be loved” were the words I heard. The second answer came just as swiftly-- “To open up to my love for myself.” I felt more than heard the words. Next a string of impressions, feelings, and words danced through my mind and I saw for myself that I am actually living my perfect life. I have created exactly what I want and exactly what I need at this moment in time. My purpose then is to open up to my heart and my life totally and love it without reserve. I am to give myself that gift. I deserve good things and I don’t have to feel guilty for having them or beat myself up for not having achieved “more” in my life. I don’t need to do or be anything or anyone else. Ironically, I realized, it is only when I have totally accepted this state of beingness that I can expand and truly be more, coming from a very solid and powerful foundation of Love. I don’t have to be anything else, yet I can be anything I want!
The next morning, Saturday, we watched the movie, The Iron Jawed Angels, an HBO special that was put out a few years ago. This was followed by a lively question and answer period. Marianne had invited a professor of women’s history from UCLA, Ellen Dubois, to give us an historical perspective of the times and the movie. She was pleased to tell us that for a Hollywood movie, it was very accurate except for a few Hollywood touches like adding Patrick Dempsey as a love interest for Alice Paul. This she insisted did not happen.
After lunch we viewed another movie, Pray the Devil Back to Hell, about the war in Liberia. It was a powerful telling of how the Christian and Muslim women joined forces to oust the cruel dictator, Charles Taylor. How empowering and inspirational to see women with relatively no money or political power rise up and effect change!
As powerful as seeing these movies in a room full of diverse, animated, intelligent, and politically interested women, I found myself knowing more and more that the lesson I was taking back home with me was not about political activism but about my own self love. To love my life, who I am, and what I have created, to be anchored in that true deep love for myself, was the lesson shouting at me. And this time, finally, finally, I could feel it sinking in, very deeply. I do love my life, my home, my husband, my children, my dog, my town, my state, my country, and my planet. To be anchored in that unconditional love is what keeps coming back to me. “Anchored” is the key word. From that stability I can reach out and explore always knowing that I can safely find my way back home to love, simply by following the line to the solidness of the heart. I know now that if I come from my heart, anything, absolutely anything is possible.
I have to say that I skipped out on Sunday. It was LA and it was sunny and I had to get to the beach. So thanks to a friend I made there, I got a ride over to Venice Beach and spent the rest of the day at the ocean. At one point I sat on a rock and let the ocean just pour into my heart. I was filled to overflowing with the intensity of the waves—the sound of their roar, the smell of the surf, and the feel of the sun. I knew at that moment that I had locked into my heart and was taking back with me to my home the powerful and healing ocean energy.
As I write this today, the temperature has reached fifty degrees and it is sunny! The crocuses have begun to sprout! I feel it now deep in my soul—no matter what the surface looks like, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes, the challenging economy, that “All is well!” And I am Home.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
My love to you all!
Monday, February 8, 2010
My life keeps blossoming and opening up with a new gift each day from the Universe. Sometimes it's as simple as a sunny day or the beautiful center of a tulip from a planter of flowers I bought myself.
My new mantra has become "show me the next step." That is all we are ever given in this process of unfolding, just the knowledge of where to step next with our proverbial feet. On a good day I realize that it is really all I need. Don't get me wrong--I may want more, a lot more at times, to know exactly what is happening or going to happen, or what I am "supposed" to do, what is my "purpose", etc. but the knowing pulls me out of the present, which is where I ultimately want to be. My spirit guides know me so well and how I like to be in charge. But I am forced to surrender, again and again.
So I ask my Guides when I am unsure, "Please show me the Next Step!" And they always do, and even though at times I am scared, depressed, frustrated, or even angry, I do what is given to me. And when I do, I lose my pain and my doubt, find my joy, and I fly! And I love to fly!....
Monday, February 1, 2010
Last Thursday night as I was leaving my daughter’s apartment, I fell. My hands were full because I was carrying a bag and my purse and the uneven sidewalk was not very well lit. It was late in the evening and I was tired, and I have a propensity for not lifting my feet. Suddenly I tripped and went flying. Bang! I hit face first on the cement. I remember my teeth hitting the walk. The next thing I knew I was on my back and my husband was asking, “Paula, are you all right?”
I lay there in shock. “I don’t know,” I whispered, afraid to move.
I felt a small chunk of something in my mouth. I sat up. Blood was dripping down my upper lip. “Oh, God, what have I done to myself?” I thought.
I grabbed a Kleenex out of my pocket and held it to my upper lip on the place where the blood seemed to be streaming. I clenched the little chip from my mouth in my other hand.
“I think I broke a tooth,” I said.
My husband helped me up and we made it back to the car. We didn’t tell my daughter at the time because I just wanted to get home.
Once inside my house, I assessed the damage. It didn’t look good, but my front teeth were in tact and I hadn’t broken my nose and my glasses seemed to be OK. All I wanted was to go to bed. I would just have to see how I looked tomorrow.
In the morning, I tentatively glanced in the mirror. I looked awful! I was puffed up and swollen and sore. My husband jokingly said I looked like Marge Simpson.
Although I was tired, I resolutely lined up my “peeps”--my doctor, my chiropractor, and my dentist. My doctor and chiropractor were able to get me in on Friday and both said I was lucky not to have knocked my teeth out. The doctor told me I had a deep puncture wound in my upper lip. It had gone nearly all the way through but it had healed enough in the twelve hours or so since the accident, he decided not to give me any stitches. Thank God for that! However, I did have to get a tetanus shot...
I wanted to help the healing process as much as possible, so I did reiki, some intense healing meditations, as well as some gentle yoga. By Sunday the swelling was way down.
Today (Monday), I saw my dentist. Like me, she thought that little chunk was a piece of tooth at first. It was the same coloring and the right size, but she couldn’t find any place where it could have chipped off. So she looked at it in the sun and it sparkled in a way that tooth enamel doesn’t. We figured out that that tiny piece of crystal rock was the culprit which had drilled into the under side of my upper lip, making an almost complete pass through it. She agreed with my doctor and my chiropractor that it was very lucky, a miracle of sorts, that I hadn’t knocked my teeth out. There was essentially no damage to my mouth or my roots or anything that she could find!
So now I am left with, get this, a triangular shaped red scar (which will probably fade to a lighter color) under my right nostril with a deep black spot that will most likely be a white scar. Hmmm! A white eye like dot in the middle of a pyramid shape! I feel like I have been branded in some strange metaphysical ritual.
But mostly I feel very blessed to have come out of this scrape as well as I have. I see many layers of why this happened, and will be examining them for some time to come. But for now, for me, this is proof that I am being watched over, protected, and, I feel, divinely guided. It is a warm, safe, delightful feeling!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish clod of grievance complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
George Bernard Shaw
In my book The Atlantean Legacy I explained how it is now our legacy to bring the world back to wholeness and peace through being in touch with the Goddess, the feminine side of our spirituality, bravely and openly examining our shadow side, and loving, not destroying, those who may be viewed as our enemies. So it feels very appropriate to share with you the changes I have gone through in the last week...
In the midst of the frigid winter chill, I was becoming depressed. I have been through this slippery slope before, several times in my life so I recognized the signs of that gray murky resistant energy surrounding me, chilling me to the bone, seeming to absorb and suck out of me all the warmth I so badly needed.
So I prayed and asked, no, demanded, that the Universe give me a sign, a handle I could grab onto, so I wouldn’t fall back into that dark tunnel that was in danger of swallowing me up. But being who I am, not only did I demand a sign, I insisted that it had to be obvious as well. I was slipping quickly down that slope and would sink into a muck of depression and there was no time to lose, no time for cosmic guessing games. And I was pissed! I didn’t want to get stuck in that slimy energy again!
And because I absolutely expected an answer, it came very quickly. I opened up my email account and there I instantly was given information about an upcoming conference put on by Marianne Williamson called SISTER GIANT: Rousing the Sleeping Giant of American Womanhood.
The idea of the conference sung to me. More than that, it jumped off the page! I knew immediately when I read about it that this, yes, this is what I have been preparing for--to join with my sisters and reclaim our power and our voices, so we can grow up and save the world (and all the cheerleaders while we’re at it. lol) The Dalai Lama declared it so with his words at the Peace Summit in Vancouver, "The world will be saved by the western woman." (You can read an article about it at
And you can access the information about the Sister Giant Conference at
Here is the excerpt from her website....
Dear Friends,
On February 26, 27 and 28, 2010, I will be hosting a weekend gathering called SISTER GIANT: Rousing the Sleeping Giant of American Womanhood.
This seminar/conference speaks to the role of women at this pivotal moment in history. It's a critically important time to transition from disastrous probabilities to fantastic possibilities, and women can lead the way.
If you are a woman who feels a prompting in your heart that goes something like this: "Okay, it's time. I might not be perfect, but I'm good enough. And I'm ready," then this invitation is for you.
During SISTER GIANT, we will review the historic forces that quelled the voice of the Western woman, as well as those that both challenge and invite us to speak our truth now. I hope you will come to Los Angeles on February 26th to join with other women who feel moved to both find our greatness and to do something great.
We will journey from an understanding of our history .... to a reclaiming of our personal power .... and ultimately to a vital commitment to be a powerful collective force in eradicating hunger and poverty on the planet today. It is time for us to change the world.
We will look within, and we will look without. In partnership with the RESULTS organization, we will work on forming a women's delegation to the regional Microcredit Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, in April 2010.
The conference will take place at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel. The cost of the seminar will be a suggested donation of $250; partial scholarships are available.
For Registration and Hotel information click here: Register Now
I hope to see you in February!
All my best,
So, dear friends, in the answer I received from the Universe, I see now that I am coming full circle—-from my radical feminist days in San Francisco to raising a family in the Midwest (gasp—never thought I would do that one, but here I am married for 23 years!), developing my talents and skills as a spiritual woman and artist, among a million other things, including most recently, writing and soon publishing The Atlantean Legacy. I plan to gather up my all my life lessons and skills I’ve accrued and head on back to California for the conference, Sister Giant, to network with other women as we gather together to save our home hearth the planet Earth.
And as for me, bottomline, I re-energized, lost the depression, and got my political mojo back! I’m buzzed!
So until next week!
Many wonderful blessings!
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunset on the highway
Chapter 9 (cont'd)
Kahotep awoke first. He examined the back of her head, admiring her bountiful curls. Unable to resist, he wrapped one of her sweaty dark ringlets around his finger. Feeling the tug on her hair, she stirred and turned over to face him, gracing him with a sleepy smile. He returned her smile and whispered in her ear so as not to break the spell too quickly. “So, my Sweet Lady, what would be your pleasure for the rest of the afternoon?”
“Well, besides you…” she traced the outline of his hand that was now resting on her breast, “I to drive the shuttlecraft!” A mischievous grin adorned her face.
“Well, it seems you are awake,” he grinned back at her. “So, do you have any experience driving?”
“Absolutely none,” she answered honestly. “I’ve only ridden the public shuttlecrafts. I’ve never had an opportunity to learn to drive. But I always wanted to.”
“Well, it’s time you get some experience then. All right, Lady, I will teach you!" They jumped enthusiastically out of bed, dressed, and raced to the craft.
Akana climbed into the pilot’s seat. Her chair seemed too big for her and she could barely see up over the control panel. Kahotep joined her in the seat next to her as her co-pilot. “The first thing you need to do is to sign in,” he began, “so tell the craft your name, that you are the pilot, and then instruct it to adjust to you.”
Excitedly, she complied. “I am Akana of Atlantis,” she told the craft. “I am the pilot of this shuttlecraft. Please make adjustments to accommodate for me.”
“Welcome, Akana of Atlantis! We will make our adjustments now,” a pleasant voice from the shuttlecraft replied.
Her seat moved slightly forward then back, then to the right and left. It raised up and down then finally rested in a position that greatly improved the fit of her chair, as well as her view out the windshield. Immediately, a seatbelt closed across her lap.
“Push the green button that is lit up here on the console between us,” her co-pilot instructed. This she did. A holographic map of the area appeared at a forty-five degree angle in front of her.
“You can see where the cabin is—here.” Kahotep pointed to the three-dimensional version of the cabin. Now if you touch it thus,” he touched the image of the cabin on the map and it immediately enlarged, “you can bring it in closer. Touch it twice and it’ll return to its former size. You can do this with any part of the map. Now—where do you want to go?”
“I’d like to explore the area first, until I get used to piloting.”
“All right then, let’s map out a small path. Lightly trace the direction on the hologram where you want to go then hit the blue button on the console. This will lock in your program.”
She drew about a five mile trail around the trees in the forest then pushed the glowing blue button.
“OK, now what?”
“Now you need to use voice commands,” he said. “Tell the craft to follow your plans.”
“Please follow the path I have indicated,” she told the computer.
Gently, the craft began to rise. It slowly followed the directions that she had just mapped out. Then it gently landed back on the shuttleport.
“Well done! Now, do you want to drive without programming it first, Kana?”
“Of course. What do I do?”
“Use your voice commands to get the craft to ascend, then trace the path you want it to follow with your finger.”
“Sure, I think you’re ready. And I’m here to back you up.”
She took a deep calming breath. “Ascend!” she commanded.
Slowly, the craft rose up as directed. It hovered high above the shuttleport and turned southwest as Akana traced her outstretched palm through the holographic map. To speed up, she merely had to trace faster, so she experimented. The movement was a little jerky at first, but she quickly assimilated her new skill and smoothed out the ride. She let out a big hoot as she sped the vehicle around in ever tighter concentric loops.
“So you’ve never driven before, you say?” Kahotep asked in disbelief.
“Not ever, and was that a mistake!” she replied. “This is great!”
“So where are we heading, Speedster?”
She grinned. “I want to see the crystal cave.”
“Oh, nothing like a little challenge for your first flight out, is there, dear?” Kahotep laughed.
“Not at all,” she replied.
The shuttle was now heading toward the active volcano on the northeast corner of the island. She touched the map and an enlarged view appeared. She found what she was looking for—a shelf along the inside rim where they could land the craft. She decreased the size of the volcano on the map back to normal then smoothly guided the craft to a safe landing onto the ledge.
The door on the craft lifted up and they carefully emerged. After assuring themselves they were on solid ground, they both looked around. The ledge was packed down smoothly, apparently used over the years as a landing strip for others wanting access to the cave. Over the ledge, very far below, lava flowed freely. The smell of sulfur permeated the air.
They made their way to the inside edge of the rim, up against the wall of the mountain, to the opening in the cave. She had pilfered a couple of lightsticks from the craft and handed one to Kahotep.
She got on her hands and knees and easily crawled through the cave entrance. Kahotep crawled in after her. Once they made it through about a three-foot tunnel, they stood up. Their lightsticks illuminated the way as they stepped carefully down a softly sloping path. After about two hundred feet it opened up into a large cavern. Their lightsticks revealed a grotto encrusted with jeweled crystal treasures.
“Oooh, Kahotep! I’ve heard about this cave, but I never would have imagined this!”
The cave was actually a huge geode that had been formed millions of years before from cooled molten lava. The walls were thickly covered with a wondrous display of sparkling crystals. Even more astounding were the long spear strands of quartz crystals that stretched across the entire cave, each about the width of a grown man. Akana approached one to examine it more closely; she was dwarfed by its size.